Savannah Canoe & Kayak held another rocking surf class yesterday with two students and two perspective surf coaches in training. The conditions on
Tybee right now are ideal for these classes, with warm waters and few people in the water. Surf conditions were up to 2ft and clean with a slight offshore breeze. The
curriculum for the SOT class can still use some tuning. Stern rudders and
Boof strokes
serve little practical use. A most useful tool that needs to be incorporated is the Low Brace Rudder - for support, turning and going straight. By teaching the
LBR the student is encouraged to turn at the trunk and work on both sides of his boat. This class, at this level is essentially about fun and safety, nothing else. We need to also start thinking about an advanced SOT class. Next Intro SOT class on April 27
th....come have some safe fun !
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